Last night I had so many ideas to start of my new blog with but now my mind is quite blank....
Nobody knows of this blogs existence yet, so I guess I will just treat it as a diary. I love dairys. I have keept one for several years now and I find it is a great help, something like a councelor when you have no one to talk to. If you think you have a big problem and all the reasons in the world to be unhappy and you try to write about it, it diminishes in size so much that you are left wondering what the problem really is. Unfortunately the opposite also is true. If you have a wonderful idea or thought it dosen't seem so glamerous down on paper.
Here in New Zealand it is winter, but, although it is raining and windy outside, I can smell spring in the air! The rain is soft and misty, the spring flowers are beginning to bloom, and even the light seems different with the growing length of the days. We don't really have much of a winter here as much as we complain of rain and mud. Some years we have spring flowers blooming while the dying leaves have not yet gone from the trees. This year, and after a very dry summer it has been quite mild as far as rain goes, but it has been very cold, especially in our old house with high ceilings and no insulation in roof or floor.
Now to explain the name of my blog. First of all I love the poem it is named after, and one of the few I know by heart. My mother used to recite it to me when I was young and so the words have become familiar and so, dear to me. Another reason I chose the title is because I intended my blog to be like the lonesome wanderings of myself. I am rather an introvert, though I can be loud and talkative but only when being funny or talking nonsense. I tend to subconsciously protect my true self from being found out. As mum once said, you loose something of yourself by telling the truth.
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