Saturday, October 30, 2010

From a Corner of My Room

I took some photos tonight:
My cat Cappie was a bit scared of the camera. His real name is Captain Courageous, but the opposite is true. He is scared of people he doesn't know particularly little children and adults. But he is my boy! He climbs up the tree outside my window each morning to say hello and where's breakfast. He is loosing his winter coat for summer at the moment, but in the winter he is stunning in his great fur ruff.
I really got the camera out to take a photo of a drawing it did of my sister when she was about 13 about 20 years ago.!.
 Then I did a photo shoot of my butterfly wind chime.
I am so sorry about the pictures on the side they won't stay right side up!

 I think I could use some of them for a background for something.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Tone of Our Voice

  Last night as I was falling asleep I began to think of the way we express our meanings by the tone of our voice and how when writing it is a challenge to convey a certain tone. ( because at night is the time I think)

  I came to be thinking that thought because that day I had asked my little brother to wash the dishes so that I could make dinner, only I was trying to do it in a way that would not offend him, as he at 14 can be touchy and teenagery if you get him the wrong way. I was trying to say 'please' in a way that was not too pleading or too commanding but just friendly (I have found that friendly is the best way to approach him with a request). 

  And then I thought of how many ways you can say 'please' or any other way for that matter. And then, again, (because I have been writing a novel, just for the fun of it) I thought how limited writers are when they try to convey how their characters speak a work, a sentence, and how that character generally speaks all the time. I we had a different symbol for each intonation of each word it could make writing easier. But them I thought again and concluded that that would take all the art and allot of skill out of writing so really it is well enough how it is.

And this was just a thought that began and has ended.

I have recently come  to know of the regency artist Sir Thomas Lawrence from the many blog post of him now because of the opening of the new exhibition of his paintings in England. The ones above and below are two of my favorite of his works. He was a self taught portrait painter more about him here.
 Queen Charlotte 1744-1818
Better quality detail which I love!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Jane Austen Heroines

"Austen is not against social conventions. In fact, she’s fairly conservative. But she’s conservative in the deepest and best way."

This is from an article I have just read about how Jane Austen films underestimate her characters as she really portrays them in her books. I agree with the article, I have always found that in allot of Austen movies the heroines are portrayed as feminists and 'rebel against the oppressive circumstances and rigid social conventions in which she has been placed'. I have always thought of this as inevitable in a movie where modern trends and issues must predominate and the public must be catered to. But read this article and you may understand more of what I'm trying to say:Austen Films Underestimate Her Heroines

Sunday, October 17, 2010

FicSwap 2010

  I have only just found out about this event and I think it is a great idea.  
Have a look on Wickfield.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Teach Me

Teach me the song of the trickling brook      
Bursting her banks, tumbling from her nook
Teach me to sing neath the sigh of the willow
Whose weeping shades the silent meadow 

Teach me the rustle of the leafs on an oak
Where birds made their nests as the spring awoke

Teach me to bear the joys and sorrows
As summer greens 'come golden tomorrows

Teach me to trace in the lines of a leaf
The beauty of  life's perfect belief

And then I shall know love

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Vintage Wedding

(I have my first follower! Thank you Melee!)

I have been scanning old photos into the computer for my Nans 80th birthday early next year. Among them were some of her wedding photos and I thought I would share them here. The dress is so beautiful!

I never meet my grandfather, he died when dad was just a child.

 Just married!

 My aunt, Nan, and Dad. Wasn't he a cutie!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Claude Monet

   It must be a rather good thing that we were made to be able avoid things which we do not admire, because then we remove ourselves from that thing and consequently can prevent ourselves becoming something we do not like. It is true that how we are brought up and and the people around us lend something to our character, but they do not entirely make us who we are. We make choices every day and each one no matter how small has an affect on ourselves.
   I do not mean to make this an essay on what makes us ourselves, for then I would have many other aspects to consider, I just wanted to share a thought. It is so apparent in my own life, I who am so different from the people around me. I used to almost hate who I was and try and blame things on others, but now I am so glad, glad, glad that I am me and that God did it with a purpose in mind.

   I wrote this in the middle of the night a few days ago with such a feeling of content and joy:
I have nothing to be unthankful for. I am so blessed, I have everything I ever wanted and more. Why is my life so happy and peaceful while so many others must live in sorrow. Perhaps is a training ground for some hardship ahead in my life, but I can look forwards to that with joy for as he cares for me now he will never forsake me.

   I have been reading about famous artists and there works. It is very interesting to learn of their lives and and their art. I am at the moment reading about Claude Monet. He has some very beautiful and inspiring works.
I have been just reading now part of his autobiography which I expected to a bit dry as everything I had been reading just before that was beginning to bore me with facts, but this was really interesting and I got drawn into it. I will finish reading it when I have posted this.

 " The subject is of secondary importance to me ; what I want to reproduce is that which is in between the subject and me."--Claude Monet